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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

boozz...the adidas jacket still got no stock!! wondering if its fated...haiz...

summore today wanted to buy e cap saw that day...bt too bad...it's being reserved ler...really its fate ba;sad sad...so unlucky man!!

btw, while working saw george n her bf...hahahax...hmmm...ok lor...

tml goin back sec. skool for teachers day - looking forward yet hesitated"+"

aft all...its e last chance skool's gonna have e celeb at the current location ler...sad ba ^-^

Sunday, August 27, 2006


got a rather shocking call fr someone...he says im shortlisted for an interview!!wich i oso dunno how i gt dat~'strange...

haIz...wanted to buy the adidas jacket...bt too bad dun have moi size...bt person of shop saes stocks maeb cuming next tues/wed...hope theres stock for the design n colour i fancy...

btw..wanted to buy a cap [really nice man!] bt second sis kept forbidding me to buy...kinda frustrated by the way she alwaes stop me fr buying things...

in the end; dint buy...bt i told myself if i go bat on tues n the cap is stil available...i'll buy it ler=D heeehee..

but strange ar...ytd 2 of the necklaces i bought fr the same shop...today actualli went bonkers!! i mean...sis was wearing one out today...me too...then aft eating our 'so-called' dinner...both necklaces which we were wearing dismantle by itself!! moi was worse lah...whole thing dismantle...sis's one oli one part came off`haIz...such a disaster!! we cant b'lieve our eyes wen we saw dat^such a coincidence *

but luckily...went hme to fix it...'n' both r in their healing process bax...hahahaz ''_''

~ wad a day i've had ~

Saturday, August 26, 2006


went to lime flea mkt n bought 3 necklaces...

...1 heart shaped with a key - 2nd n third necklace r fr the same store;in total i've spent $45 man!!gOsh gOsh...im really a spenthrift...hahahax...dats e way i m...lolx...think one day im gonna be broke^looking at e way i spent money...

hmm...in addition to those things...bought a heart-shaped earring at far east...

Keke...enough of crap...tml b'sides goin bugis...arab st to hunt for more goodies (as in things to assemble to make accessories) ; oso meeting auction seller to collect my clothes...happy n xcited!! hahax...

Friday, August 25, 2006

lolx! finally got to go shopping lerx' heehee...so happi...bt aiyah...think i've flunk my accts paper today lox * [seriously] */wad to do? wads done cannot be undone lerx'
after todays last paper, wen to mt bi zhen at bugis...go shopping...take neo prints...bought a top - adidas water bottle - a badge - nail polish - n guess wad? i'm gonna get my adidas jacket...hahax damn happi lah; most likely getting on sun ba~
tml have plans with sis to go the lime flea mkt...its e vintage theme! ahahaz...although vintage fever has juz passed not long ago=D
n sun plans to go bugis - get my adidas jacket!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

sad...sad that my order for the babydoll dress top is cancelled...due to some reasons which is kinda stupid la...

but today juz made an order with the same buyer for another top...hope it will be a success this time...

tomorrow's accts paper...how how?? i really sucks at accts...dun understand so many things...

later have to start slogging my heads to study for dat...(bt hey! dats the last paper for this sem!)

tmr meeting bi zhen at bugis to go shopping...have been looking for this day for a long time lerx')
(currently in a happy mood)

wIsh me luck!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

haIz...stiL gOt 2 more papers to go...n dose 2 subjects (p.o.m 'n' accts!) r the ones wich i dread the most;arGh!! but no chOice lo, stiL have to study wad']

fInaLI, auctIon seLLer has replied after 2 long-daes waIt=D hOpe to look ouT for the babydOll dress tOp i've ordered/so xcIted!

hmmm...tmr i gonna ask george a'gain if she can make it for the outing on frI

happI...cos ltr ylbfb will have ENERGY as guest...muz watch!! heheehz...their album's cuming up; muz support ok...? called xin ren lei--

Monday, August 21, 2006

o man!! cant b'lieve it...i actualli screwed up for stats today - gOsh! gues i've actualli lost about 10 mks?? dats a way lot man!! argh...but cant help it; its all over=D;

Peeps...currently no mood to study

...lolx)sO tired...haIz] watchInG
ylbfb now...kinda funnI...[dan fei bI jiaO hong...
hahax...consists of xiao guI, xiao zhu 'n' xiao zhong] they formed dis grp for fun...hehex;

okie...shLd end here ler* shaLL gO rest=D

Sunday, August 20, 2006

arGh...!! stats paper tmr...howhow?? hehehe...din realli study today... cos kinda sianz alreadi...but i started on p.o.m le:)P.S got so mani things to memorize!!

btw...had a fun day today...cos my 2 sis were busi trying out clothes to wear for skool tmr...the process was so HILARIOUS lah!lolx (so bad of me...hehehex)

cant wait for next fri to cum!! (dats wen exam ends...n bi zhen n i r going out!hehehx=D]but still nd to know if george is going too=D hope shes available then...cos long time we've not went out ler;hmmm...but im stiL thinking where to go...lolx'

me thinking of outing plans wen exams has juz started]hahax*)

aLrite, gt to get going le(mUz studY hard for exams!!)

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