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Saturday, September 30, 2006


hmm..started work at 09 30..hmm..then surprised to c jOanne entering mY shOp..heard fr her dat shes working in e same shop with nIcOle..

nOt lOng after..nIcOle entered mY shOp..lolx..hahax..glad to c dem aft sOo lOng..`i guess dats hOw lonG??`

eh..hehex..make 3 new frienx..(whu works with me..)..they r nIce...n'JoYed wOrkInG wIth dem..hOw i wIsh can have mOre chance 2 wOrk @ bUgIs branch..haIz..

tmr's gonna work a'gain..bt wIl be @ cItYLinK - mY root..

bt today knocked off oli @ 22 30!! instead of 21 30..cos of sum customers whu lingered so long in e shop!! bt cant blame dem oso lah..lolx..

%#@ok then..dats aLL fOr todaY@#%

Thursday, September 28, 2006

heY all..sOon i'll be uplOadinG more x'cessOrIes!! -bY end of dIs week...

dO check iT Out ba=)


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

wah..after 10 mths wait..ENERGY is back again with their new album..xin ren lei!!
juz came back fr their auto session..n currently listening to yes 933..as ENERGY is now on air..hehexx..
todays auto session was quite fast..x'cept dat in btw there's a bit mess..
shake hands with all 3 of dem..lolx..
hmm..after e auto session; went to grab long john..(mY fave fast-food restaurant)...yum yum!!
oso received msg fr xxxxx dat i have to go to bugis for work on fri..n it's gonna b a full-day work!! imagIne workInG fr 09 30-21 30 hrs?? think im gonna dIe by e tIme i reach hme lor..
but quite x'cited lah..as my current job allows me 2 work @ other outlets..so it's kinda fun though..get to meet more ppl..hehexx..
tmr not sure if meeting LydIa for her to collect e necklace she ordered...bt if not meeting her..will b goin out with sIs then...

heY gaLs!! wads next??

14th oct (sat)-
i will be setting up stall @ e LIME flea mkt..*sPace b'hInd cine..

items i wil be selling=(clOthes&x'cessOrIes)..

hOpe to cya soOn..(best if u all suppOrt me fInancIally)hehex..

sO..dO cum dOwn n take a lOOk!! aItes??


hmm...fInally tmr's mY off-day..(nO wOrk!!)..well; tmr's ENERGY's gOnna hold auto session at bukit panjang plaza..

90% i cf going ba=D cos long time din c dem ler:(

x'cited to c dem again..

din manage to watch dem perform tonite @ singapore idol cos was working...haIz..nv mind!!

can watch repeat telecast!!`if there is`..

stIll working hard on my other creations d'signs..do suppOrt me aLlrIte?? hahax...

bOught fLats @ charles n keith today..hehex..

Sunday, September 17, 2006

RC011 AntIqued
Price SG5.90
SOLD-No remakes

RC006 rOad tO success
HandphOne x'cessory
Price SG 6.90
RC007 caught in the mIddLe

Length of wIre mesh 6.0 cm

Price SG 14.90

'This is a one-off piece'

RC008 EternaL lOve

Length of BohemIan HippY kIssinG cOuple 3.0 cm

Prics SG18.90

RC 009 Ice mOuntaIn

Price SG8.90


; RC 001 TrIal baLance
Length of Anchor 4.0 cm
FerrIs wheeL 2.6 cm
Price SG18.90
'Remakes may be possible upon request'

;RC 002 lOYaLtY

Length of Copper Heart 2.5 cm

Price SG12.90

SOLD-No remakes

;RC 003 EverlastInG memOrIes

Length of Mickey 4.3 cm

mUsIcal nOte 3.5 cm

Price SG 20.90

'This is a one-off piece'

;RC 004 the Key to happIness

Length of rhInestOne Key 4.1 cm

heART 4.0 cm

Price SG 16.90


Remakes available upon request

;RN 005 ReveaL the trUth

Price SG 11.90


Saturday, September 16, 2006

wah!! today met mr sim(d.m of sec. skool)..
sIew yan 'n' hOng guan

4 people in total; hmm..think e highest records so far for me ba=D!! hehex。。

bought a top n belt @ bugIs today..(mY frequent hangout!!)..

gOing broke le...bt hehex..today received a call dat im chosen for a job!! yeppI!! got work..means gt $$!!:) starting work on mon..x'cited yet anticipated..

-- well..hOpe everything goes well ba--

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

heeheex...went to look for jewellery parts for my biz on mon after work; hmm..bought quite a lot..but now cracking heads on how to match e x'cesories in order for them to bring out a new n satisfying look=D

still waiting for my other charms to arrive-preferably latest by thurs??hope it will arrive tml..kinda impatient cos' i nd dem to get my work done:)lolx..

btw..ordered another top fr auction seller'its imported fr taiwan..hahax..hope it wil arrive before skool starts..so that can wear to skool*x'cited!!

hmm..now muz oso start saving $$ lerx;cos maeb goin to hongkong-YES!!hkg!! at e end of e yr with sis n her frienx ba:)anticipating for dat to arrive..yeppi!!

bt now im kinda broke..but dun wana rot @ hme..so sat meeting bi zhen go walk-walk @ bugIs...dun think can buy anithing..as i've said..im currently broke..aft spending a bomb on e charms n clothes..

sat's outing - whu else interested?? sarah?

Friday, September 08, 2006

heex..laptop's finally cured..(sound system was having prob. previously)...

went to funan to have it fixed...ate pizza; P.S~so sinful lah!! hahahx...

nth much happen today actualli...hmm...bought a musical note brooch..bt i'm gonna make it into a necklace...as part of my collection*yep...*

tmr's gonna go for an interview..hope everything is a success ba:)

^wIsh me lUck!!^

This Other Eden

Thursday, September 07, 2006

watch little man today; ahahx..the show's lame lah...so funni man-y?? cos of little man!!

hahahx..din regret watching..in fact, i've njoyed it lolx...

hmm..oso meet up with dinah's sis to collect necklace..hehehx...told her to meet @ level 2 (outside spec. hut)*but i've made a mistake..no wunder she couldnt find me...hahax..x..

bought a babydoll top^muackhaha...design wise more towards e victorian style ba=D ta-da...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

da-ta!! dis is my new blogskin..nice ma??

hahax...spent at least an hr doin it; cos have lots of prob. with it initially...but its nt totally completed yet lolx...

ask bi zhen 'n' u will know y...

tsktsk..looking for-ward to thurs' outing..wonder if anione else interested??

hahax...created my cbox n adopted piggish moo...
y wld i cal dat?? its a combination of cow n pig's names;) hehex...
btw..currently im starting to make sum accesories to sell online..n in e near future if response is gd, will be putting more of my creations in pandora's box!! do cum support mi keke??

Sunday, September 03, 2006

hahax...finally my adidas jacket is here! heehee...e person of e shop msg me to inform me that e size n color i've been looking for is here!! so xcited n happy...hahahax...

bugis with mum n sis...hmm...bought a top...

aft dat...wen to mt dad for dinner
opp bugis junction...(steamboat)...bt it wasnt veri nice...kinda blend e food...bt its ok man!!

e following happen on
sat...hahaz...my blog date nt updated de...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

went bugis today with sis...
person of adidas shop saes dat new stocks will arrive at abt 15 30..but when i last wen back to e shop at abt 18 00; stocks stil have nt arrive...
he saes e delivery man is on his way since 15 00 plus i gues..but dunno y still havnt arrive yet...kinda frustrated...
bought 2 pants (quite worth it though...i mean e pricing...)
dunno y...bt everitime go out with elder sis then i can buy clothes etc...bt if with frienz...i juz cant seem to buy anithing...hahax...(no offence!!)
tmr mum goin bugis...so i'l go with her...as well as to check if the jacket has finally arrive or nt...
hey..btw..i managed to gt e cap...strange...initially it was being reserved...bt dunno y...e person dun want it...n wen i pass by e shop...saw e cap on e shelf...n i bought it] hehex....

Friday, September 01, 2006

happI...get to c the teachers (cos its e teachers' day celeb!!)

met my frienx at e void deck near skool...realised that majority of e current students were all wearing e extravanganza shirt! dat was e shirt meant for e concert held at SP during june; memorable moments...=)

weL..mrs nedu danced...mdm faeizah 'n' mrs aidil sang...loud cheers for dem!!hooray...:hahax'
gues teachers all go their way out for dis last concert to be held at Ghim Moh...(cos we are merging.../sad la like dat=D)

e concert held ytd were performances by x-students n currents students...of cos e 3 teachers whu sang n danced too!! finale was wad all the teachers gathered up on stage to sing...tOuched!!sob sob...

aft e concert...all was dispersed...wen to look for few of my teachers though...n took a pic with mr sim (chinese teacher)...heard fr him dat ms ng is retiring...so wun b goin over to e new skool site...haIz...

bt in fact compared to last yr...e no. of x-students whu turned out dis yr was lesser..(strange)

btw...Ghim Moh Sec. really brought me wonderful memories wich i b'lieve will last mi for a lifetime...

wUn 4-get her...

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